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Conservation Minutes, June 9, 2015

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman
                          Brad Kirlin, Clerk
                           Brenna Audette, Member
                           Phil Clemons, Associate Member
Also Present:              Laurie Muncy, Agent
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         
Absent:                    John Kemmett, Chairman


        Mr. Schellenger requested that the minutes of May 26, 2015 be tabled until the next meeting as he would like to suggest revisions.

Public Hearings

7:00 PM   Continued Notice of Intent for the Redevelopment of an existing commercial property into 28 residential condominiums at 775 West Washington St. (Rear), Map 66, Lot 5A-2 for Priolo Realty Development represented by PRIME Engineering, Inc  (DEP #SE175-0663)   

        Mr. Robert S. Rego, P.E. of Prime Engineering accompanied Mr. Glen Priolo, the applicant, to the meeting.  He submitted a Revised Plan (dated 6/9/15) and a response letter (dated 6/9/15) to Mr. Delano’s Review Letter (dated 6/5/15).  Mr. Rego had incorporated all of Mr. Delano’s comments into the Plan including pulling the drainage outfalls and grading out of the 50’ buffer zone.  Also, the roadway entrance was revised to be constructed out of the 50’ BZ and designed with a one to one slope stabilized with rip rap.  At Mr. Delano’s suggestion, he provided spot elevations in the detention basin and added a vegetated swale that will direct stormwater away from abutter’s land and the rear of the condo units.  An erosion control detail was added to the Plan and proposed at the limit of work.  A double line of EC was proposed at the southern portion of the site where Mr. Priolo will be removing debris, adding topsoil and planting conservation seed mix.
        Mr. Schellenger asked Mr. Rego to speak to all of Mr. Delano’s comments in the Review Letter item by item.  In addition to all of the information already imparted, Mr. Rego reported  that the existing paved driveway is to be used for construction and a temporary anti-tracking pad was depicted on the Plan.  The removal of an existing drainage pipe will be inspected and certified by a Professional Engineer.  At Mr. Delano’s suggestion, historic fill between the proposed new entrance and the wetland from Flags A-16 through A-20 will be removed to an elevation of approximately 59’.  Mr. Rego commented that an experienced consultant will monitor the Erosion Control and keep weekly logs and especially after rain events.
        Mr. Schellenger asked Mr. Rego to speak to the Stormwater Management Plan.  Mr. Rego answered that Mr. Gary James of James Engineering, Inc. gave a very thorough review for the
Zoning Board of Appeals during their Site Plan Review hearing process and it was approved through them.  Ms. Nehiley commented that we have copies of Mr. Jame’s review letters in the file.  
        Mr. Clemons had prepared a draft Site Inspection Report (dated 6/2/2015) that summarized his site visit with Brenna Audette and John Kemmett.  He commented that it was helpful to them that it was raining so that they could observe how the water was behaving.  Mr. Clemons said they observed evidence of the various wetland lines/flagging and deemed that the walk was very informative as it is a complex site.  He was of the opinion that the project will be a significant environmental improvement over the existing site conditions.  Mr. Clemons suggested that as part of the mitigation for his proposal, Mr. Priolo have his property surveyed and the corners memorialized with concrete bounds on the west side adjacent to Conservation land.  Mr. Priolo agreed to this and was also amenable to removing about 150 tires from the Poor Meadow Brook Conservation Area for the Commission.  
        In conclusion, Mr. Kirlin recommended permanent conservation posts at the 50’ BZ.  

Motion to close the hearing and approve an Order of Conditions with additional conditions and pending Board of Health approval:  Brad Kirlin
        Second:  Brenna Audette
        Vote:  3-0-0


7:30 PM Appointment with Martha Silvia of UMass Cranberry Station of Wareham to discuss a proposal for an environmental project (Bee Research) at Smitty’s Bog

Ms. Silvia and Anne Averill, a Professor of Entomology in the Department of Environmental Conservation at UMass Amherst attended the meeting seeking permission from this Commission as well as other Commissions to deploy cohorts of bumble bees in inactive cranberry bogs to compare colony success with the active commercial cranberry bogs (treated with pesticides and with introduced honey bees).   Ms. Averill explained that Smitty’s Bog in Hanson is a perfect site for their research because of its recent conversion to Conservation.~ She and her summer students from UMass will be placing two quads (or 2 sets of 4 hives) of bumblebees at Smitty’s Bog and at other local bogs in Carver, Duxbury and Wareham.  The bees are made of pallets with plywood tops.  Thereafter, they will be checking on them weekly to count activity and all evidence will be removed by the end of the summer.
The goal of the project is to conserve wild pollinators in agricultural ecosystems.  Ms. Averill said they are fortunate enough to be working under a USDA-NIFA grant “Pollination security in fruit and vegetable crops in the Northeast.”  The key pollinator in the production of cranberries is the bumble bee and they will be studying the effects of agricultural inputs on the over-all fitness of bumble bee species.  
Mr. Clemons added that under the USDA agricultural restriction that the Town has with the Natural Resource Conservation Services, the Commission has signed Compatible Use Agreements allowing natural habitat enhancements on the property.  He is of the opinion that this study would fall under that category having the same principle of a valuable scientific study.  
Motion to approve the request for access to Smitty’s Bog to conduct the Bumble bee study:     Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:   3-0-0

Request to perform ordinary maintenance activities for the replacement of existing water mains at various locations in town under the Hanson Wetlands Protection By-law.

        Ms. Muncy had received an e-mail from Environmental Partners, the Consultant for the Water Department, regarding a project for the replacement of existing water mains at Monponsett Street, Crooker Place, Sandy Terrace, Sandy Lane and Ocean Avenue.  Ms. Muncy explained that because the Water Department isn’t increasing the size of the mains or installing new mains, the project is exempt from a Notice of Intent filing under both the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Hanson Wetlands Protection By-Law.  However, written notice, with detailed plans of the work to be performed has to be given to the Conservation Commission prior to the commencement of work.  Mr. Kirlin requested, in addition, they come to a meeting to explain what the proposal and submit plans.  

Old Business/New Business

Determination of Applicability for 172 Indian Head Street for Stephen Corbeels, Trustee  - signed
Express Newspapers/Invoice – signed
John W. Delano & Assoc., Inc/Invoice – signed
Amory Engineers, P.C./Invoice – signed
Reimbursement to Sylvia Salas/Invoice –  signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8:20 PM:   Frank Schellenger       
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0